====== Arlington ====== [[http://www.arlingtonwa.gov|City of Arlington Website]] * [[http://www.arlingtonwa.gov/396/City-Council|Arlington City Council]] * Email: coa_council@arlingtonwa.gov * [[http://www.arlingtonwa.gov/424/Boards-Commissions|Arlington Boards & Commissions]] * There are two school districts within the City of Arlington: * [[https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/index.asp|Find Your School and School District]] * [[school_districts_school_boards#arlington_school_district|Arlington School District]] * [[school_districts_school_boards#lakewood_school_district|Lakewood School District]] **City Council Meetings** ^ TYPE ^ DAY & TIME ^ LOCATION ^ LOCATION | REGULAR | 1st & 3rd Mondays, monthly - 7 PM | 110 E 3rd St, Arlington, WA 98223** | | WORKSHOPS | 2nd & 4th Mondays, monthly - 7 PM | 110 E 3rd St, Arlington, WA 98223** | //No action will be taken at workshops.// [[http://www.arlingtonwa.gov/calendar.aspx?CID=22|Calendar]] * Current City Council agendas, meeting minutes, and full packets are available by clicking on the date of the council meeting. * Or, email the Executive Office at executive@arlingtonwa.gov, or call 360-403-3441, to obtain hard copies. * Note that the packet for the upcoming council meeting is available typically the Thursday afternoon prior to the meeting. * The agenda packet shown is the most current available and may be for the meeting that just occurred. * [[http://www.arlingtonwa.gov/579/View-TV21|Listen to City Council Meetings]] * **COVID-19 MEETING ATTENDANCE & PUBLIC COMMENT UPDATES (may be subject to change): * City Council Meetings and Workshops will take place online. Councilmembers and members of the public will not attend in person. * Anyone wishing to provide written or oral public comment, must pre-register by 9:00 a.m. the day of the meeting, by calling 360-403-3441, or by clicking on this link: [[https://arlingtonwa.seamlessdocs.com/f/councilmeetingform|Council Meeting Form]]. * To view the meeting without providing public comment, please visit our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/cityofarlingtonwashington [[https://www.digitalarchives.wa.gov/Collections/TitleInfo/1202|City Archives]] * Contains City Council Minutes from 1903 to 2009