====== FIGHT FOR THE BIPOC STUDENTS OF MONROE!!! ====== Start with reading these articles.... [[https://www.q13fox.com/news/family-looking-to-leave-monroe-following-racial-harassment-assault|Family looking to leave Monroe following racial harassment, assault]] [[https://www.q13fox.com/news/parents-say-racism-directed-at-11-year-old-forced-them-to-remove-him-from-class|Monroe parents say racism directed at 11-year-old forced them to remove him from class]] Yeah....we still have a problem with racism in SnoCo. We of the Pink Umbrella Society have been actively fighting for BIPOC in Snohomish County since last year. And we knew this was going to be a long-term struggle. These are recent local incidences that are proof of this fact. The School Board had failed those kids...however, there is a new board set to run things and the Monroe Equity Council has come together to support the victims. If you want to help, start by marking your calendars for the next school board meeting on December 13th, 6pm. We can come together to let this new board know that we're taking this matter seriously and demand they do the same. Also, make sure you set up early to make sure you'll be able to join the meeting. Check the Meetings link for more info. [[https://www.monroe.wednet.edu/about/school-board|Monroe School District-Board Info (including email addresses)]] [[https://www.monroe.wednet.edu/about/school-board/meetings|Monroe School District-Meetings]] [[https://www.monroeequitycouncil.org/|Monroe Equity Council's Website]] Let's go, y'all! {{tag>}}