====== Everett ====== [[https://www.everettwa.gov/|City of Everett Website]] * [[https://www.everettwa.gov/409/City-Council|Everett City Council]] * [[https://www.everettwa.gov/1856/Districting|City Council Districting]] - //What are districts?// * Many cities in Washington elect all of their councilmembers at-large (each councilmember elected by and representing the whole city) * Other cities have chosen to establish wards or districts, in which some or all of the councilmembers are elected by and represent specific geographic areas of the city. * City Council districts were approved by Everett voters in Nov. 2018. * Voters selected a total of five districts and two at-large positions. * The City Council adopted District [[https://www.everettwa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/26570/Districting-Plan-Map-A9-?bidId=|Plan Map A-9]] on October 19, 2020. * //Positions 1-5 will eventually become the district positions.// * //Positions 6-7 will eventually become the at-large positions.// * //2021 will be the first election by district. Candidates can run for 4-year terms in positions 1-5, representing the new districts.// * //In 2023, there will be elections for positions 6 and 7 for 4-year, at-large terms.// * **CONTACT THE COUNCIL:** * Deb Williams, Executive Assistant to the City Council: dwilliams@everettwa.gov * City Council, Physical Address: 2930 Wetmore Ave, Suite 9-A, Everett, WA 98201 * Phone: 425-257-8703; Fax: 425-257-8691 * [[https://www.everettwa.gov/1537/Boards-and-Commissions|Everett Boards & Commissions]] * [[https://www.everettwa.gov/216/Boards-Commissions-A---L|Boards & Commissions (A-L)]] * [[https://www.everettwa.gov/948/Boards-Commissions-M---Z|Boards & Commissions (M-Z)]] * The City of Everett is part of three school districts: * [[https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/index.asp|Find Your School and School District]] * [[school_districts_school_boards#everett_school_district|Everett School District]] * [[school_districts_school_boards#mukilteo_school_district|Mukilteo School District]] * [[school_districts_school_boards#snohomish_school_district|Snohomish School District]] **Council Meetings** ^ TYPE ^ DAY & TIME ^ LOCATION ^ LOCATION | REGULAR | Weekly on 1st-3rd Wednesdays of the month - 6:30 PM | City Council Chambers, William E Moore Historic City Hall* | | | | 3002 Wetmore Ave, Everett, WA 98201 | | REGULAR | 4th Wednesday, monthly - 12:30 PM | City Council Chambers, William E Moore Historic City Hall* | | | | 3002 Wetmore Ave, Everett, WA 98201 | //*Due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus), the council meets remotely. The public is unable to attend meetings in person, but may call in to 425-616-3920, conference ID 724 887 726# to listen to the meetings live. **Please email all comments to council@everettwa.gov.**// [[https://www.everettwa.gov/462/Committee-Meeting-Information|Council Meeting information]] * Includes schedule, public comment instructions, broadcast information, and information about agendas and minutes * Most agendas and remote access instructions posted in advance under [[https://www.everettwa.gov/AgendaCenter/City-Council-10|Agenda Center]] * View videos and agendas for past meetings in the [[https://www.everettwa.gov/1078/City-Council-Archive|City Council Archive]] * Watch meetings live on the [[http://everett.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=50&embed=1|Everett Channel]] * Watch City Council Retreat: * [[https://youtu.be/7HbeVigBeBo|Part 1]] * [[https://youtu.be/Ti43M1ECQvs|Part 2]] * [[https://youtu.be/ZGvlTZETYio|Part 3]]