====== Monroe ====== [[http://www.monroewa.gov|City of Monroe Website]] * [[http://www.monroewa.gov/66/City-Council|Monroe City Council]] * [[http://www.monroewa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/10616/Council-Rules-of-Procedure-APPROVED-080420|Council Rules of Procedure]] * **CONTACTING YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS:** * City Council Email: councilmembers@monroewa.gov * Fax: 360-794-4007 * Management Analyst, Interim Mayor's Scheduler, Rich Huebner: rhuebner@monroewa.gov * Phone: 360-722-1684 * City Administrator, Deborah Knight: dknight@monroewa.gov * Phone: 360-863-4500 * Finance Director, Interim City Clerk, Becky Hasart: bhasart@monroewa.gov * Phone: 360-863-4518 * Management Analyst, Interim Public Records, Tyler Christian: tchristian@monroewa.gov * Phone: 425-754-6106 * [[http://www.monroewa.gov/140/Boards-Commissions|Monroe Boards and Commissions ]] * The City of Monroe has its own school district: [[school_districts_school_boards#monroe_school_district|Monroe School District]]: * [[https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/index.asp|Find Your School and School District]] **Council Meetings** ^ TYPE ^ DAY & TIME ^ LOCATION ^ LOCATION | STUDY SESSION | 1st & 3rd Tuesdays each month - 7 PM* | City of Monroe Council Chambers* | | ::: | | 806 W Main St, Monroe, WA 98272 | | BUSINESS | 2nd & 4th Tuesdays each month - 7 PM* | City of Monroe Council Chambers* | | ::: | | 806 W Main St, Monroe, WA 98272 | | COMMITTEE | As assigned | City of Monroe Council Chambers* | | ::: | | 806 W Main St, Monroe, WA 98272 | //*Any meeting falling on a holiday is rescheduled to next evening.// //*Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, City Council Meetings will be held virtually until further notice.// [[http://www.monroewa.gov/calendar.aspx?CID=22|City Calendar]] * Contains events for entire city, including Council Meetings * Meeting dates include Zoom links and access instructions * [[http://monroewa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/11048/2021-Council-Meetings-Schedule|2021 City Council Meeting Schedule]] in PDF format here [[http://www.monroewa.gov/307/Agendas-Minutes|Agendas & Minutes]] listed for all Councils and Committees on this page, as well as audio/video recordings. * [[https://www.monroewa.gov/Archive.aspx?AMID=53|Audio/Video Archive]] - City Council