====== COVID-19 Relief Resources ====== [[statewide_covid-19_relief_resources#general news, health & safety|General News, Health & Safety]] [[statewide_covid-19_relief_resources#financial|Financial]] [[statewide_covid-19_relief_resources#additional government relief|Additional Government Relief]] [[statewide_covid-19_relief_resources#housing|Housing]] [[statewide_covid-19_relief_resources#utilities|Utilities]] [[statewide_covid-19_relief_resources#small business loans & grants|Small Business Loans & Grants]] [[statewide_covid-19_relief_resources#resource databases|Resource Databases]] ---- === GENERAL NEWS, HEALTH & SAFETY === Snohomish Health District: [[https://www.snohd.org/564/COVID-Vaccine-Info|COVID-19 Vaccination Information]] * Call 425-339-5278 for general questions, information, registration, and language assistance * Find out your eligibility * Find your [[https://form.findyourphasewa.org/210118771253954|phase]] * [[https://snohomish-county-coronavirus-response-snoco-gis.hub.arcgis.com/pages/covid-19-vaccine|See also:]] === FINANCIAL === **Government Benefits for Sick Workers** [[https://paidleave.wa.gov/|WA Paid Family & Medical Leave Act benefits:]] * For workers temporarily incapacitated (not due to work-related illness/injury) or needing to care for incapacitated family members [[https://lni.wa.gov/claims/for-workers/file-a-claim/|Labor & Industries:]] * Paid Sick Leave & Worker's Compensation for workers hurt/made ill on the job * [[https://www.lni.wa.gov/agency/outreach/novel-coronavirus-outbreak-covid-19-resources|L&I COVID-19 Resources]] * Labor & Industries: [[https://lni.wa.gov/agency/outreach/paid-sick-leave-and-coronavirus-covid-19-common-questions|Questions About Paid Sick Leave and Coronavirus (COVID-19)]]; [[https://lni.wa.gov/agency/outreach/workers-compensation-coverage-and-coronavirus-covid-19-common-questions: Workers Compensation Coverage and Coronavirus (COVID-19) Common Questions]] * [[https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/Council/documents/2020/WokersComp-COVID-3,-d-,16,-d-,20.ashx?la=en|How to apply for Worker's Comp in WA State due to contact with someone who has COVID-19, or exposure to COVID-19, while on the job]] **Non-Profit Assistance for Laid-Off Workers** [[https://www.restaurantworkerscf.org/covid19faq|Restaurant Workers Community Foundation:]] * COVID-19 Relief Grant [[https://coregives.org/apply/|CORE (Children of Restaurant Employees):]] * COVID-19 Relief Fund [[https://airtable.com/shr4d9x0OwCFCkCLn|James Beard Foundation:]] - From the site: //"We are working on application materials at this time and will send out information when it is ready."// * COVID-19 Relief Fund for Restaurant Workers - fill out form at link above **General Financial Assistance** [[https://dfi.wa.gov/coronavirus/financial-resources|WA State Department of Financial Institutions:]] * Financial Resources for Washington Residents Impacted by COVID-19 IRS Taxpayer Relief: [[https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus|Economic Impact Payments]] * If you didn’t get any payments or got less than the full amounts, you may qualify for the Recovery Rebate Credit and must file a 2020 tax return to claim the credit even if you don’t normally file. [[https://childcareawarewa.org/families/|Child Care:]] Alternatives when child care facilities close due to COVID-19 === ADDITIONAL GOVERNMENT RELIEF === [[https://k12wa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/af63ab4c79664accafdd2373c23df657|School Meals for K-12 School Children during COVID-19]] [[https://www.dshs.wa.gov/esa/community-services-offices/pandemic-ebt-p-ebt|Pandemic EBT (P-EBT)]] * Updated for 2020-2021 school year * Children are eligible for P-EBT benefits if: * Their school is closed or has reduced in-person attendance hours. * They are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals. * The [[https://www.dshs.wa.gov/esa/csd-office-refugee-and-immigration-assistance/public-charge-information|Public Charge]] rule does not apply to P-EBT benefits and will not impact immigration status. === HOUSING === **Assistance for Homeowners** CFPB: [[https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/if-i-cant-pay-my-mortgage-loan-what-are-my-options-en-268/|What if you can't pay your mortgage loan?]] DFI: [[https://dfi.wa.gov/homeownership|Mortgage Assistance, Education, and Resources]] HUD-approved mortgage help: [[https://apps.hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/hcc/hcs.cfm?webListAction=search&searchstate=WA|List of Housing Counseling agencies in WA state]] **Assistance for Renters** [[https://fortress.wa.gov/atg/formhandler/ago/COVID19EvictionComplaintForm.aspx|Rent: Moratorium Eviction Complaint form - COVID-19]] * Use this online form to file a complaint with the Office of the Attorney General of Washington State if your landlord violates the rent mmoratorium [[https://www.commerce.wa.gov/serving-communities/homelessness/landlord-fund-programs/tenancy-preservation/|Rent: Tenancy Preservation Program]] * A court ordered agreement is required to successfully submit a claim application. * To obtain a court ordered agreement, both landlord and tenant must appear in person at the Superior Court in the rental property’s district and request either of the following: * Stipulated Payment Agreement, or Tenancy Preservation Funding Agreement [[https://tenantsunion.org/|Tenant's Union]] * Helping renters in Washington state through advocacy, education, outreach, leadership development, and organizing === UTILITIES === [[https://fortress.wa.gov/com/liheappublic/map.aspx|FIND A LIHEAP AGENCY NEAR YOU (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)]] **Snohomish County:** [[https://www.snopud.com/account/discounts.ashx?p=1188|Snohomish PUD:]] * Year-round income qualified rate discounts of 25 or 50 percent off of PUD electric and water bills to customers based on the total household income limits * Download application from site above, or obtain a printed application at any PUD office, at most senior citizen centers * Or call Customer Service at 425-783-1000 / 877-783-1000 [[https://svdpnsc.com/help/|St. Vincent de Paul:]] * Project Pride - one-time Snohomish PUD Energy Assistance * Download application from site above and email to PUDProjectPride@hotmail.com, or call 425-374-1243 [[https://snohomishcountywa.gov/552/Energy-Assistance|Snohomish County Energy Assistance:]] * For low-income applicants who want help with their PUD, PSE, Cascade Natural Gas, Propane, Pellets, and Oil * call (425) 388-3880 - available Monday to Friday, 9 AM - 4 PM * //Note: If you have received a DISCONNECT NOTICE, we have been informed you will not be shut off. Please contact your heating provider to discuss any concerns.// [[https://everettwa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/17091/Discounted-rates-PDF?bidId=|Everett City Water Discounted Rates]] * For people 62 and older, or people with a permanent disability (other qualifications apply) - call 425-257-8999 * One-time emergency assistance program administered by [[https://ccsww.org/get-help/specialized-services/everettwaterassistance/?gclid=CjwKCAiAkJKCBhAyEiwAKQBCktnkWbtKVXg7vnIWgIwsEjJjPnOWu3b0nEr1fMfBdLxs6y0YyOvQQxoCLUsQAvD_BwE|Catholic Community Services]] for those not eligible for the discount program who have received a shutoff notice [[https://marysvillewa.gov/340/Utility-Billing|Marysville Utility Billing - Water:]] * Download application from the above site to apply for one-time grants due to hardships * Utility rate and tax discounts for low-income senior and disabled customers - [[https://marysvillewa.gov/1123/Discounts-Rebates|download applications here]] **General:** [[https://www.utc.wa.gov/consumers/energy/Pages/energyAssistance.aspx|WA Utilities & Transportation Commission:]] utility assistance [[https://www.k12.wa.us/about-ospi/press-releases/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-resources/k%E2%80%9312-internet-access-program|Internet for Students K-12:]] * OSPI is providing funds to Internet Service Providers Comcast, Ziply Fiber, and Presidio to help K-12 children stay connected while attending school remotely * Students and families need to sign up with a participating internet service provider that serves their local community **using the offer code provided by their school district.** [[https://www.internetessentials.com/covid19|Comcast Internet Essentials]] * Low-cost internet for people receiving SSI, SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, National School Lunch Program, Housing Assistance * Comcast: [[https://corporate.comcast.com/covid-19|COVID-19 Response]] [[https://www.lifelinesupport.org/|Lifeline Phone Program:]] * Free phones and services for people receiving SNAP, Medicaid, SSI, TANF/Tribal TANF, Federal Public Housing Assistance, Veterans Assistance, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Assistance, Tribal Head Start, FDPIR === SMALL BUSINESS LOANS & GRANTS === **National Organizations** [[https://www.sbc.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/guide-to-the-cares-act|SBA: Guide to the CARES Act]] * Apply for Paycheck Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Loans and Emergency Grants, and Small Business Debt Relief. * [[https://www.sba.gov/page/guidance-businesses-employers-plan-respond-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery|SBA: Apply for the Paycheck Protection Program]] from February 24th - March 9th, 2021 * [[https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/cares|US Department of the Treasury: Information about the CARES Act]] US Chamber of Commerce: [[https://www.uschamberfoundation.org/disaster-help-desk-business|Disaster Help Desk for Businesses]] * Call 888-MY-BIZ-HELP (888-692-4943) [[https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/disaster-assistance|U.S. Small Business Association:]] * Apply for the SBA Disaster Loan for small businesses impacted by COVID-19 - [[https://covid19relief.sba.gov/#/|COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)]] * [[https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/coronavirus-relief-options|Coronavirus Relief Options]] * [[https://www.sba.gov/covid-19-funding-sources/index.html|Other COVID-19 Funding Options]] [[https://www.nase.org/covid-19|National Association for the Self-Employed:]] Paycheck Protection Program **Washington Organizations** [[https://www.craft3.org/|Craft3:]] Small Business Loans (Pacific Northwest) [[http://startup.choosewashingtonstate.com/links/crisis/covid-19-resources/|Startup WA:]] Business Loans and Grants LocalSnoco.com: [[https://localsnoco.com/covid-19-business-resources/|COVID-19 Business Resources]] * See also: [[https://www.economicalliancesc.org/|Economic Alliance of Snohomish County]] * More about the R-3 Grant: [[https://www.workforcesnohomish.org/snocogrant/|Workforce Snohomish]] **Resource Lists from Washington Organizations** [[https://thegsba.org/emergency-resources|GSBA:]] Small Business Emergency Resources and Information [[https://www.business.wa.gov/site/alias__business/1561/covid-19.aspx|Business.wa.gov:]] COVID-19 Business Resources