====== Sultan ====== [[https://www.ci.sultan.wa.us|City of Sultan Website]] * [[https://www.ci.sultan.wa.us/205/City-Council|Sultan City Council]] * [[https://www.ci.sultan.wa.us/174/Boards-Commissions|Sultan Boards and Commissions]] * The City of Sultan has its own school district: [[school_districts_school_boards#sultan_school_district|Sultan School District]]: * [[https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/index.asp|Find Your School and School District]] **Council Meetings** ^ TYPE ^ DAY & TIME ^ LOCATION ^ LOCATION | REGULAR | 2nd & 4th Thursday, monthly - 7 PM | City Hall, City Council Chambers* | | ::: | | 319 Main St, Sultan, WA | //*Due to COVID-19, all meetings are currently held remotely.// [[https://www.ci.sultan.wa.us/calendar.aspx?CID=14|Calendar]] * Upcoming, current, and prior Council meetings listed here * Includes Zoom links and telephonic access instructions * //If you would like to submit written comments to be included at the meeting, you must email them to tami.pevey@ci.sultan.wa.us.// * //Written comments must be received **no later than 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting.**// * Find detailed [[https://www.ci.sultan.wa.us/DocumentCenter/View/2007/Council-Meeting-Rules-and-Procedures-PDF|Council Meeting Rules and Procedures]] here [[https://www.ci.sultan.wa.us/AgendaCenter/City-Council-3|Agenda Center]] * City Council agendas are available online the Friday afternoon prior to the meeting and at the meeting itself. * Minutes of the meeting are recorded and reviewed at the following Council meeting. Once approved, the minutes are available for the public. * Minutes and approved ordinances can be found in the Council meeting packets.