About this Wiki

We're in the 20's of the 21st Century, and our society is struggling with racial division, police brutality, wage disparity, record unemployment, a poor education system, a poorly maintained and collapsing infrastructure, immigrant detention, overfilled prisons, unrelieved college debt, bankruptcies due to healthcare debts, no functional health care system, high rent, no social safety net, disappearances and murders of indigenous and peoples of color, predatory loan agencies, homeless camp sweeps, poor working conditions, voter disenfranchisement, and the LGBTQIA+ and women both face curtailment of their personal rights, among other serious problems.

Meanwhile, corporations and the very rich amass more riches. Over all of this, we have out of control climate change, and an ongoing coronavirus pandemic that has taken the lives of over half a million people in the United States alone while causing long-term bodily damage to many survivors.

While these issues affect all of us, they disproportionately affect people of color in our nation and globally. It's painfully clear how varying levels of privilege dictate the rise and fall of people in this land, and that our elected officials are more interested in sustaining our corrupt system than in listening to the people.

We find ourselves at a turning point. People take to the streets, where they are met with police brutality and fascist armed mobs. These mobs have also made seditious attempts to overthrow our democracy and retain White Power.

With all that said, welcome to the Wiki of Snohomish County Culture, Activism, & News/Networking (SnoCoCAN).

Here are our goals for this wiki website.

Our desire, simply put, is to be a Rainbow Coalition wiki based in Snohomish County that can be a resource for us all! We hope this site is helpful for you!

Knowledge is power!
