Table of Contents

Understanding the Oppressed

Here is the all-in-one place for links to pages if you're still learning about different oppressed groups.

There are gay white men that are racist. There are cis black men that are transphobic. White women have excluded black women from their feminist spaces. There are different forms of oppression we of the “marginalized” face and we believe it's important we recognize we can oppress each other. Recognizing intersectionality is very important to us and so we think of this page as a resource to help us understand EACH OTHER as well.


Black, Indigenous, and People of Color

The BIPoC Project
The BIPoC Project on Facebook

Note: “BIPOC” is an umbrella term and in many situations, it's better to be more specific about racial/ethnic group(s) being discussed. For example, using this term for when a conversation is supposed to be focused on Black/African Americans can potentially be seen as a form of erasure.

Historical Foundations of Race - The National Museum of African American History and Culture

A Lesson on Critical Race Theory - American Bar Association


Immigrants to the US and other countries presently face and historically suffered a type of oppression called 'xenophobia' (also connected to racism and nativism).

“Pronounced zeen-oh-fobe-ee-ah, xenophobia is the fear or contempt of foreign people, places or things. People with this “fear” are known as xenophobes and the attitudes they have as xenophobic. […] their “fear” can best be compared to homophobia, as hatred largely drives their repulsion to foreigners. As a result of xenophobia, immigrants […] face[] discrimination in employment, housing, and other sectors.”1)

What is Xenophobia? -


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer2)3)

The Gender Unicorn
The Safe Zone Project

Are you looking for more information about the LGBTQ+ community? Are you a student, researcher, educator, health care provider, family member, friend, or are you a member of the LGBTQ community? No matter who you are, this database of Educational Resources can launch your search in the Washington State area and beyond.

Are you a member of the LGBTQ+ community? Are you looking for services by and/or for people like you in and around Snohomish County and Washington state? Visit the LGBTQ+ Resources page for a database of resources, including information about LGBTQ+-affirmative healthcare providers, legal services, community groups, and more.

Women & Girls

Inclusive terms that encompass anyone who is woman- or girl-aligned, whether or not they were assigned female at birth

Information about Key Issues Women & Girls Face:

International Justice Resource Center: Women's Human Rights
Amnesty International: Women's Rights


“Neurodiversity is an approach to learning and disability that argues diverse neurological conditions are result of normal variations in the human genome.”4)

Neurodiversity 101 on Neurodiversity Network

About Autism

Autism Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN): Nothing About Us Without Us

About ADHD

NIMH - Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

About Dyslexia

Frequently Asked Questions - International Dyslexia Association

Persons with Disabilites

“A disability is defined as a condition or function judged to be significantly impaired relative to the usual standard of an individual or group. The term is used to refer to individual functioning, including physical impairment, sensory impairment, cognitive impairment, intellectual impairment, mental illness, and various types of chronic disease.”5)

Read About How Disability is Defined

The Definition of Disability: Perspective of the Disability Community

Religious Oppression

While there are many marginalized groups that can face religious oppression when there is any dominant religion (even if a government is not itself religious), two religious groups in particular (Judaism and Islam) have faced significant oppression in the United States and much of the rest of the “Western World”, both historically and currently. Both are also examples of racialization based on religion.

“Islamophobia is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.”6)

Islamophobia - American Psychological Association

““Anti-Semitism” has been accepted and understood to mean hatred of the Jewish people. Dictionaries define the term as: “Theory, action, or practice directed against the Jews” and “Hostility towards Jews as a religious or racial minority group, often accompanied by social, economic and political discrimination.””7)

What is Anti-Semitism? - ADL

Journal: ThoughtCo. Language: English (U.S.). Author: Nittle, Nadra Kareem. Revised Publication Date: 2019-10-01. Title: What Xenophobia Is, With Examples, Source: What Xenophobia Is, With Examples. Retrieved 2021-03-11, from
Journal: Gay Star News. Language: English (U.S.). Author: Besanvalle, James. Revised Publication Date: 2018-07-20. Title: 5 alternative terms you can use instead of LGBT, Source: 5 alternative terms you can use instead of LGBT. Retrieved 2021-03-11, from
Journal: Them.Us. Language: English (U.S.). Author: Cheves, Alexander. Revised Publication Date: 2019-06-24. Title: 9 LGBTQ+ People Explain How They Love, Hate, and Understand the Word “Queer,” Source: What Does Queer Mean. Retrieved 2021-03-11, from
Journal: Disabled World. Language: English (U.S.). Author: Disabled World. Revised Publication Date: 2021-01-23. Title: What Is: Neurodiversity, Neurodivergent, Neurotypical, Source: Neurodiversity. Retrieved 2021-03-11, from - Reference: DW#502-17.172.98-6c.
Journal: Disabled World. Language: English (U.S.). Author: Disabled World. Revised Publication Date: 2019-12-14. Title: Disabilities: Definition, Types and Models of Disability, Source: Types of Disability. Retrieved 2021-03-11, from - Reference: DW#170-17.172.98-6c.
Journal: Critical Muslim Studies. Language: English (U.K.). Author: Critical Muslim Studies. Revised Publication Date: 2021-03-11. Title: Defining Islamophobia, Source: Defining Islamophobia. Retrieved 2021-03-11, from
Journal: Jewish Virtual Library. Language: English (U.S.). Author: Bard, Mitchell. Revised Publication Date: 2021-03-11. Title: Anti-Semitism or Antisemitism?, Source: Anti-Semitism or Antisemitism?. Retrieved 2021-03-11, from