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Big thanks to The Church of Black Coffee for the support!

Earlier this year, we got in contact with them and discussed our vision for more collaboration and efforts to make Snohomish County better for the marginalized. They are well aware of the Black Lives Matter Uprising of 2020 as well as the discussions of intersectionality associated with the BLM movement that we also focus on with this wiki and our work in general. We have also gratefully accepted from them The Brandon Gyasi Stovall Grant for Civic Education from them to fund our work on this site and more.

*(Click this link for info regarding the grant.)

Despite the name, it's more accurate to describe them as a positive circle for philosophical discussion that's open to all regardless of religious/spiritual beliefs.

The founder also runs the recently opened Pops Skateshop which also attracts a lot of counter-culture progressives we vibe with!

We invite y'all to give them some love!

Website Links: The Church of Black Coffee Pops Skateshop

-The Pink Umbrella Society

blog/comrade/2021/0928_big_thanks_to_the_church_of_black_for_the_support.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/28 16:59 by comrade